Thursday, September 10, 2009

We have had a busy busy summer starting with a trip to visit Papa and Grandma in Cali then swimming lessons, fishing, Mommy went to girls camp which rocked!!! And we cant forget about baby Lily coming. Now its back to school and with 2 kids in school we are super busy. Mom is coaching Travis's soccer team with the help of Aunt Mino (amber) and Kimmy is also playing this year. We will post pics of all that.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fun in the snow!!!

We went to play in the snow a couple of weeks ago
and as you can see we had a blast but if you will also
notice Kimmy is not in any pictures I dont think her
and Haleigh had fun they spent most of the day
holding onto a leg whining that they were freezing
so after about an hour they went with Uncle Randy to
sit in the truck and watch a much deserved movie and
eat snacks. They did thier time in the snow and they
were done! As for the rest of us we had a great time
tubing and snowboarding on the little sloap that the
Daddy's made for us which in my opinion had the little
boys going way to fast down the hill but what do I know
I am just the Mom. I love playing in the snow but I also
love coming home where there is no snow and
enjoying a nice cup of hot chocolate yummmmmy!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We had family pictures done this weekend for the first time in almost three years and they turned out halfway decent. I was pretty excited the kids were great but we went to a glofcourse that had duck poo everywhere, our shoes were caked with it. Its funny now but it sure was not when we were trying to pose for pics sitting in the grass cause it was all over my bum and I used the tree to help get it off.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Amber and I took the kids to California for Christmas break. It was a little stressful to travel 1200 miles with four kids but we always seem to have a great
time. We visited Papa and Grandma and Aunt Nikki and Aunt Kimmy. The kids of course go to be with thier cousins Brandi, Bryson and Cassidy. We celebrated Travis's 7th b-day at Johns incredible pizza riding the gocarts and playing at the arcade. We had fun but missed daddy he had to stay home and work to fund our adventure.

Back at it!!

Ok so my fabulous friend Tara helped me figure out this whole blogging thing so I am going to get started blogging I am no pro but we will sure try. So here is an update on the ODonnal fam. Travis is now 7 and I can hardly believe it. He is doing awsome in school and loving the whole learning process. I had a parent teacher conference with his teacher yesterday and she is his biggest fan besides myself of course. He is playing basketball as the youngest kid on the team but still loving it. He actually scored for the first time in a game today and I missed it to be at a primary activity but we love Uncle Tim who was there cheering him on cause dad was at work. And my little Kimmy is not so little she is the most dramatic and loving and frustrating and caring and smart child I have ever known. She is doing great in preschool she is a little shy but she is loving it more every day. She did gymnastics for a little while but it got a little expensive so we took a break which was sad because she absolutly adored it. Then there is Haleigh that child is in the middle of terrible twos even though she is about to turn 3 I cant believe my baby is almost 3. She thinks she runs the house. She is bossy and I wonder where she could have got that from. Anyways I will be blogging with more updates since I know what to do now. Thank you Tara!!!